Air Duct

Did you know indoor air can be 2 to 5 times, and sometimes 100 times more polluted than outdoor air? 
On average, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors. 
The air conditioning and ventilation system in your home can be a collection point for a variety of undesirable contaminants including dust, molds, fungus, and bacteria. 
Some of these contaminants may be contributing to allergies as the air is continuously circulated through your system. 
Using state-of-art “source removal” equipment, Payless Air Duct Cleaners can thoroughly clean your home’s ventilation system – quickly and effectively. 
Each air duct is cleaned individually from the grill to the main unit. The system blower fan, coils and drain pan are also cleaned. 
You’ll breathe easier and enjoy a cleaner indoor environment after having your ventilation system professionally cleaned by Payless Air Duct Cleaners. 
Payless Air Duct Cleaners’ process removes odors as it reduces dust and other allergens. 
Removing the build up of dirt, blockages and debris in your ductwork can also improve airflow increasing heating and cooling efficiency and lowering energy costs.

What are the benefits that come from HVAC system cleaning? 
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have been shown to act as a collection source for a variety of contaminants that have the potential to affect health, such as mold, fungi, bacteria, and very small particles of dust. 
The removal of such contaminants from the HVAC system and home should be considered as one component in an overall plan to improve indoor air quality. 

Will HVAC system cleaning reduce our home energy bills?
Research by the U.S. EPA has demonstrated that HVAC system cleaning may allow systems to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components. 
Clean, efficient systems are less likely to break down, have a longer life span, and generally operate more effectively than dirty systems. 
How often should residential HVAC systems be cleaned? 
Frequency of cleaning depends on several factors, not the least of which is the preference of the home owner. 
Some of the things that may lead a home owner to consider more frequent cleaning include:

  • Smokers in the home.
  • Pets that shed large queantities of hair and dander.
  • Water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system.
  • Residents with allergies or asthma who may benefit from a decrease in the quantity of indoor air pollutants in the home’s HVAC system.
  • Immediately following home renovations or remodeling.
  • Before occupancy of a new home.

What are sanitizers, and why should they need to be used? 
Sanitizers are anti-microbial chemicals applied to the interior surface of the air ducts, designed to control microbial contamination. 
Before any sanitizers are used, the system should be thoroughly cleaned. 
It is critical that any anti-microbial treatment used in your system be EPA registered for the intended use in HVAC systems. 
Payless Air Duct Cleaning is the right choice for both residential and commercial jobs. 
Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote.

Why Should You Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned ? 
It is now common knowledge that indoor air pollution is an issue of growing concern throughout the country. 
In the past decade, an increasing amount of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within our homes and offices can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. 
Additional research has shown that people spend the majority of their time, around 90%, indoors. 
Surprisingly, for many people the risks to their health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors rather than outdoors. 
Experts also conclude that people who are exposed to indoor air pollutants for the longest periods of time tend to be the most vulnerable to the effects of indoor air pollution. 
Parents are increasingly worrying about the effect that continued indoor air pollution will have on their children. 
The elderly or those suffering from allergies are also extremely susceptible to increased risk to their health due to the indoor air that they breathe. 
Pet dander, cooking oils, air fresheners, mold, dirt, mildew, insecticides, dust, paint and aerosol sprays are just a few of the contaminants that drift through the air in our homes. 
These fragments eventually come to rest inside of the air ducts in even the cleanest of homes. 
Particles of dust, pollen and other debris routinely found in all types of heating and cooling systems are some of the main causes of contaminated air in residential housing. 
If moisture is present, the potential for the growth of mold is increased and spores from such growth can be released into the home’s living space. 
Every time the blower to your furnace or air conditioner comes on, pollutants are blown into your living space, causing the air you breathe to be far less than clean.Some of these contaminants may cause allergic reactions or other symptoms in people that are exposed to them. 
A dirty system can also be costly, as dirty furnace components can cause a myriad of problems from rust to overheating to a-coil freeze ups. 
By simply keeping your heating and cooling systems clean, removing debris from sensitive mechanical components, you may avoid costly repairs and keep them working in top-notch condition for many years to come. 
Having your ducts cleaned regularly will help you improve the indoor air quality in your home while also enhancing the efficiency of your system, which could also reduce your energy bills.