
Cleaning to Control Allergies and Asthma

Over 40 million Americans suffer from allergies due to home bio-pollution. If you or your child has allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or “trigger” an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen – like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode. 

Ever wondered why you might be sneezing and coughing at an alarming rate, or why your children are often ill? The answer to that question may be as easy as looking at your carpet. 
A specific source of contamination in household carpeting is attributed to dust mites, and although you may not be able to see them, smell them, touch them or even hear them…they are there. As luck would have it, humans shed their skin seven times a year. 
If you’ve ever asked your skin care professional, they might have even told you that you lose a layer of skin every 28 days. Of course this is normal, and essential for humans, but it is this very thing that dust mites survive on. Dust mites thrive and feed on protein matter such as dead skin cells. 
Du Pont reports that 70% of U.S. homes with carpeting also have either a dog, a cat or both. Unfortunately, all to often pet accidents occur on household carpeting, leaving urine and fecal residue behind, this combined with animal dander that is shed by cats and dogs and human skins, provides a perfect feeding ground for dust mites. 
The answer to this problem is not to be alarmed and start disposing of any and all carpet in the home…the problem is not the carpet. How it is being maintained is. Hot water extraction cleaning is the best way to go. 

Dust mites and germs cause allergies

If your carpets are not maintained and cleaned properly, they can become attractive environment for these pollutants, whether they settle into the carpet from the air, or are tracked in from the outside. Even frequent vacuuming, while recommended for cleanliness and longer carpet life, will not rid your carpet completely of these health hazards and can actually send the pollutants back into the air. Increased ventilation can be effective in increasing indoor air quality (IAQ), by bringing fresh air in and carrying pollutants outside. However, in cold winter months, such ventilation is neither comfortable nor cost effective. Experts agree that the most effective solution is to control and clean the bio-pollutants sources and environments, including all carpeting and upholstery.

First by cleaning. 
Payless Carpet Cleaners unique heating system maintains the temperature for sanitation. Secondly, by agitation-both with water and vacuum extraction. This helps in the physical removal of particulates or all the bad stuff. Third, by the temperature of the cleaning solution. 
Since studies show that there is a temperature loss of 20 to 50 degrees between the cleaning unit and when the cleaning solution actually strikes the carpet, only fuel oil fired heating systems can create the temperatures necessary to reach sanitation levels of 130 degrees and above.